I was strapped for time last week and didn’t do my usual meal prep but found a way around it by making bento box lunches instead! I consider them ‘adult lunchables’ but if you got kiddos these would perfect for them too! Check out my ideas below to inspire you to recreate your own versions with very minimal prep time. Grab a glass or stainless steel bento box and build your lunch to include protein, fat, fibrous vegetables, and a healthy snack of choice. I like having a sweet treat after my savoury lunch 🙂
Check out my ideas below:
pictured above: homemade falafels (recipe here), sunflower kitchen hummus, olives, pickles, radish, and homemade protein balls (recipe here).
pictured above: organic turkey deli meat, goat cheddar, crackers, baby tomatoes, cucumber slices, apple slices
Tag me on instagram and show me your bento box lunch so I can share more ideas with our community!
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